aruba clinical massage and spa


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aruba clinical massage & spa


FloAdvisor #23: Cellulite and Massages? Myths and Truths

First of all, cellulite is completely normal and more common than you think, 90 % of women have cellulite in their hips, buttocks, and/or abdomen. It is not a medical condition, however it is something that affects many women’s self-esteem.

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is the result of fat storage in cells called adipocytes. It appears because of different causes, and no, it does not only affect overweight women.

Causes include a bad diet, genetics, poor circulation, stress, sedentary lifestyle, and consumption of tobacco and alcohol.

Let’s clarify some myths and truths about the effects massages have on cellulite.

Massages help reduce cellulite: TRUE.

A massage works to reduce cellulite by rolling and suctioning different parts of the body. This helps restore circulation, drain excess body fluid, redistribute fat cells, and plump up the skin.

All massages help reduce cellulite: FALSE.

In order to have a positive effect on cellulite, the massage technique used must be precise.
The lymphatic drainage massage aimed towards cellulite removal is harsher and more aggressive than the regular ones. It requires skilled therapists who know how much pressure to use, and in which direction to massage.
Deep-tissue massage also helps to combat cellulite.

Massages help prevent cellulite: TRUE

Yes! Massages can help to prevent further deterioration of the tissues by activating the cells and avoiding the accumulation of fat.

One massage session is enough to remove cellulite: FALSE.

If you want to see big results you are going to need regular massage sessions, otherwise cellulite will appear again.

Therapists recommend one massage session a week. The more often you do it, the better results you will see.

Love your body more than ever, and start your anti-cellulite massage treatment in Clinical Massage and Spa Aruba.

aruba clinical massage and spa

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