aruba clinical massage and spa


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aruba clinical massage & spa


FloAdvisor #24: Pedicure, the gift for your feet

After being your vehicle day after day, your feet definitely need some love once in a while.
A good pedicure makes your feet look nice and pretty, but it also has incredible health benefits that will make you adore your feet even more.

Removes calluses on your feet

Calluses are caused by ill-fitting shoes or from consistently wearing high heels. That thick skin gives you an unsightly look and it can develop into an infection and hurt.
A foot scrub during your pedicure can help reduce the development of callus on your feet, making your skin look clean and silky.

Relaxes your entire body

A pedicure involves a foot massage to help release tension on your muscles and joints. When you get a pedicure it affects your overall state, it lowers down the levels of stress in your body and makes you feel relaxed and energized after the treatment.

Stimulates blood flow

Another great health benefit of pedicure is that it improves your blood circulation.
The foot massage during pedicure helps the lymph nodes circulate better through our system which helps clear the toxins through your blood flow.

Promotes healthier skin

Usually your feet’s skin is exposed to dirt and contaminants for being so close to the ground or suffering from excessive sweating which cause soggy footwear, athlete’s foot, and nail fungus.
With a regular pedicure you can prevent unhealthy foot conditions, and make sure your feet and nails are always gorgeous and fungus free.

A pedicure is one of the most relaxing, enjoyable and useful spa treatments, make sure to have a professional pedicure in Clinical Massage & Spa Aruba to obtain the best results.

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