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aruba clinical massage & spa


FloAdvisor #29: Easy Ways to Detox After the Holidays

Many of us can’t resist the temptation of great food during the holidays. The aftermath is not quite as fun. You will most likely feel bloated, sometimes sick, and maybe even a little guilty. But do not beat yourself over it, we have some advice that will have you feeling brand new. Here are a few tips on how to detoxify your body after the holidays.

#1 Stay hydrated

We know you hear this often, but we can’t emphasize it enough. Water helps your body detoxify on its own and remove any unwanted toxins. You should shoot for eight cups of water a day, and remember that eating vegetables and fruits high in water content can also help you reach your goal.

#2 Avoid caffeine on an empty stomach

Caffeine can lead to dehydration. Also, when you drink it in an empty stomach it can affect digestion and your stomach lining.

#3 Supplement your diet with protein

Protein helps you feel fuller for longer periods of time. Try to include as much protein as possible in your diet so you don’t overeat or eat things that aren’t good for your body and your goals.

#4 Eat Slowly

Your brain needs some time to process that you are full. For this reason, eating slowly is a great idea. This will help your brain process things and it will help you to avoid overeating.

#5 Prep your food in advance

Preparing your food in advance allows you to have more control over what you’re eating. It will also stop the temptation of buying fast food. Remember, you got food at home!

#6 Replace unhealthy desserts

We know this one seems a little hard, but believe us not everything is lost. You can still eat delicious fruits. We also recommend replacing coffee with green tea. It is healthier and delicious.

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