aruba clinical massage and spa
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aruba clinical massage & spa
How to naturally get rid of neck and shoulder pain
We’ve all spent too much time in the same position at least once of twice before. Either as zombies sitting in front of the computer, leaning over a work table like The Hunchback of Notre Dame, or simply sleeping in a bad position. But it’s not until the stabbing pain starts, that we realize we’ve made a serious mistake.
We feel a slight pain in the lower part of the neck, we stretch our shoulders back trying to scare away the pain, little by little the pain becomes more annoying, we massage the area with our fingers hoping it will help. But who are we kidding? None of this will make the pain go away.
Neck and shoulder pain is one of the most frequent kind. It is estimated that 7 out of 10 people have suffered from neck pain or stiffness, so don’t worry, you’re not alone.
One thing that many people ignore is that the neck is the most fragile area of the spine. Its vertebrae are very vulnerable, since they support and allow the rotation of the head, which weighs around 10 to 11 pounds. You probably started appreciating your neck more after learning this, right?
The pain appears after holding your head in the same position for long periods of time (driving for hours also counts). We usually begin to feel tension when we turn our head to the sides which can trigger headaches and pain in the shoulders and arms.
These are some of the most common causes of neck and shoulder pain, so from now on you correct yourself every time you catch yourself doing one of them:
- Bad sleeping postures.
- Bad sitting positions.
- Bad movements, while lifting too much weight or playing sports.
- Leaving your head tilted back for a long time.
- Muscle injuries after accidents.
- Improper and prolonged use of cell phones, tablets and laptops.
Text Neck syndrome
If you feel identified with this last one, you may be suffering from Text Neck syndrome without even knowing. A study published by CBS News indicates that we spend two to four hours with our necks tilted due to cell phone use.
Text Neck Syndrome is an illness caused by tilting the neck forward repeatedly or for a long time while texting or simply scrolling while scrolling through Instagram.
The Text neck illness may be the cause of your poor posture, neck stiffness, and neck, shoulder and back pain.

the most common types of pain
Before teaching you how to treat neck and shoulder pain, we show you some of the most common types of pain. This way you can identify yours and find the appropiate solution for it.
– Muscle pain manifests itself in response to overexertion, or due to some kind of emotional or physical stress.
– Muscle spasm is the hardening of the neck muscles, usually detected when you wake up with the neck so rigid that moving your head a little causes pain.
– The headache associated with the neck is the one you feel in the lower part of the head, it causes sensitivity and stiffness in the head and neck area.
– Nerve pain comes from irritation of the spinal nerves; it is usually severe and is accompanied by twinges in the upper back.
Now that you can identify your type of pain, it’s time to know when to treat it.
Why is it important to know when to treat pain?
The calmer your body is, the greater and longer-lasting the effects you can achieve will be.
In our everyday lives we have our hours are counted; the household chores, work, family, romantic life, social life, but rarely one of those hours is destined only for us, and that is why we fill ourselves with the stress that eventually takes begins to take its toll on our body.
When we feel the intensity of pain we want to make it go away as soon as possible, so we take some analgesics, but almost always the pain reappears because we repeat the actions that caused it and get filled with stress again.
It is difficult to heal definitively when we don’t correct what is causing the pain, just like a wound that cannot heal because we keep touching it.
That is why there is no doubt that the best time to treat pain as common as the neck and shoulders one, is during a well-deserved vacation.
Getting out of the routine, disconnecting and taking a moment for ourselves will allow our body to heal at its own pace and achieve longer-lasting effects.
There is the perfect place to treat your neck and shoulders pain while you’re on vacation. Imagine lying on the beach, feeling the sun on your skin, with a beautiful view and the sound of the sea in the background. Do you know the place we are talking about?

Photo by martin passchier on Unsplash
It’s Aruba!
It turns out that Aruba is not only famous for being the “Happy Island” that brings happiness to those who visit it, but also for its incredible Spas which have all kinds of natural treatments that will make you feel and look 10 years younger.
A magical spot in Aruba to treat neck and shoulder pain is Clinical Massage & Spa Aruba. A place where they believe in healing and transforming lives naturally, with the help of organic treatments and professional therapists.
How to treat neck and shoulder pain at Clinical Massage & Spa Aruba?
Fire, Aruba aloe, and eucalyptus are some of the elements they use to heal pain. Unique and very efficient methods are part of the magic of this Spa.
Clinical Massage & Spa Aruba uses neurological specialized techniques to diagnose each patient. The first thing they do is correct the posture which is usually one of the main causes of pain in the upper back, neck, and shoulders.
These are some of the favorite therapies for neck and shoulder pain, get ready to tell the pain: it’s over!
The effective hot stone therapy
It ensures that energy flows properly, and relieves pain by acting directly over the points responsible for transmitting the sensation of pain.
The relaxing aromatherapy massage therapy
The use of essential oils such as eucalyptus or lavender enhance the effects of massage with its anti-inflammatory properties, it is possible to reduce inflammation and calm cervical pain.
The Powerful Deep Tissue Massage
The Deep Tissue massage releases the tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulders, with firm pressure and slow movements that reach the deepest layer of the muscle.
These are some of the comments from people just like you who were seeking a solution for their pain, and decided to try these natural techniques:
I had a hot stone massage at clinical massage and it was awesome. My neck and back were very tight prior. My neck has been bothering me for quite a while, with a lot of pain as well as the tightness. Roxy was my masseuse and she was awesome. I had the 80 minute treatment and I have no more neck or back pain and no more neck tightness. She did a tremendous job. She is very professional. It was an amazing, awesome experience
Our first massage! What a wonderful experience from initial contact via their website, we booked in person and enjoyed a truly relaxing 50 minutes with Carmen and Evelyn. I had injured my shoulder recently and was concerned but Carmen’s hands were the best medicine. All of the staff was professional, friendly and very welcoming. Great place to have your first massage experience!
Magnificent! you give your body magical therapies that make you feel relieved, fresh and recharged with energy to return to routine. You finally feel good and pain-free.
And then what?
Here are a few tips to deal with neck and shoulder pain naturally once your vacation is over and you are back to your routine.
– Heat is your best friend
The heat relaxes the muscles immediately. You can use a thermal bag, a hot cushion; even taking a hot shower will help.
You can also make neck compresses by dampening a towel in hot water and placing it on your neck. Remember nothing is good in excess, so don’t overdo it or you could get burned.
– Self-massage, why not?
Apply lavender oil (or body lotion) over the fingers of your left hand, then put it under your ear, on the right side of your neck and massage down towards your collarbone, repeat three times and then change sides.
You can also apply rosemary oil and gently massage the area in circles.
– The cold can also be your friend.
Ice packs are effective in reducing inflammation and improving blood flow.
Crush ice cubes and put them inside a bag or towel, then place them on your neck and shoulders for 5 to 10 minutes and voilà, goodbye inflammation.
– Move!
Making slow movements in circles with your head helps stretch tight muscles. Move your neck slowly back and forth, do several repetitions and then from side to side, you will see that with each repetition it gets easier, but try not to force the movement if the pain is intense, you don’t want to hurt yourself.
Neck and shoulder pain no longer has to be a part of your life. Now you know you all the natural techniques to get it over with, and also that the best time to treat it is during a vacation, in the perfect place: Clinical Massage & Spa Aruba.
aruba clinical massage and spa
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